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Nutritious Kids’ Food & a Book

  • Available for all Verde Valley Kids

  • Convenient for Parents

  • Drive-Thru Pickups

First and Third Saturdays Each Month

8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Manzanita Outreach Warehouse
406 S. 6th Street, Cottonwood, AZ 86326

Second Saturdays Each Month

8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Sedona Red Rock High School
995 Upper Red Rock Loop Rd, Sedona, AZ 86336

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Mingus Union High School
1801 E Fir St, Cottonwood, AZ 86326


MO Packs For Kids Program Highlights

• Nutritious perishable and non-perishable kids' food & snacks

• An age-appropriate book (ages 0-10)

• Curbside pickup for parents

• Completely free

What is a MO Pack?

A MO Pack is a free pack of nutritious perishable and non-perishable kids' food and snacks designed for children and young adults under 19 years old, as well as a book, distributed at designated times and locations.

Who is this program for?

Any child or young adult under 19 years old is eligible, including multiple children per family.

What is in a MO Pack?

Each MO Pack contains a nutritious kids' food including a rotating menu of healthy, non-perishable foods, such as rice, peanut butter, jelly, cereal, beans, mixed fruit, tuna, fruit, corn, carrots, peas, applesauce, peaches, pasta, beef, sauces, chili, chicken, and macaroni and cheese. In total, each MO Pack weighs approximately 13 pounds, and is provided with family food.

Do I qualify for a MO Pack?

Any child and young adult under 19 years old qualifies for a MO Pack, although pre-registration is required.

I have more than one child. Do they each get a MO Pack?

Yes. Each child in your family is able to receive a MO Pack each week.

If I am receiving other food assistance, can I also receive a MO Pack?

Yes. Receiving a MO Pack does not limit you from receiving other food assistance. Receiving other food assistance, including from food pantries or SNAP, does not limit you from receiving a MO Pack.

Do I need to register before picking up my MO Pack?

No. You simply need to show up at the above-listed times / locations.

How often can I receive a MO Pack?

Each child may receive one MO Pack per distribution.

Where & when can I pick up my MO Pack?

MO Packs are distributed on the first and third Saturdays at Verde Valley Christian, 406 S. 6th Street, Cottonwood; 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM. They are also distributed on the second Saturdays of each month at two locations: Red Rock High School in Sedona from 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM and Mingus Union High School from 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM.